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Sorry I don't want interrupt the discusion about original  proposal of John
Martin, but I just receive 5 messages as this:

*From: ORBS sender@localhost
*Reply-To: ORBS orbs@localhost
*Subject: has been listed by ORBS

 Anybody know ORBS (Open Relay Blocking System) initiative ? They are sent
messages saying that some SMTP servers of RedIRIS Network has
been added to the Dorkslayers Open Relay Blocking System (??) wich is an
automated relay listing system.

They have reason ...because  the SMTP servers referenced are really open
relay. But is it a serious initiative as MAPS RBL Proyect ? Black lists of
open relays it seems to me that is the only real and effective technical
solution to this problem.

 They have  information: on http://www.dorkslayers.com/orbs/


Jesus Sanz de las Heras         	E-mail: jesus.heras@localhost
RedIRIS/CSIC                            Tel:	+34 91 585 51 38
Serrano 142                             Fax:    +34 91 585 51 46
E-28006 Madrid		      		
SPAIN                           Coordinador correo electronico
                                Coordinador Servicio Listas de distribucion
_______ Red Academica y Cientmfica espanola (http://www.rediris.es) ______

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