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Re: Anti-spam Working Group

[Spam removed]

> This one almost certainly originated at UUNET in the US. It has then
> been relayed by UUNET Germany, hex.de.uu.net, to my .forward.
> So, UUNET Europe folks, can you refuse to act as Mail Relay for hosts
> (dialup etc) at UUNET US? If so, please do!
Sorry, we can't.:-( As we allow our customers global roaming, we can't stop 
relaying from UUNET US.

> PS
>     MX(de.uu.net) = intramail.de.uu.net
>     220 seismo.de.uu.net ESMTP (5.61c:012/UUNETdeLAN-2.1a15-1.2.10)
>     Received: ... by hex.de.uu.net with SMTP (5.65+:004/3.0.2)
>     5.61c, 5.65+ - Yupp, those were the days... 50% :-).

:-) This ist "security by obscurity". On intramail sendmail 8.8.5 is running, 
relaying is blocked depending on the IP-address from which the mails are sent 
and the recipient addressees.
Same blocking is installed on our other mailservers.

Regards, Kerstin

					UUNET Deutschland GmbH
* PGP-Key available on request *	Emil-Figge-Str. 80
					44227 Dortmund
					Tel(Fax): +49 231 972 00 (1601)

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