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Anti-spam Working Group

With the registration form for ther Edinburgh RIPE meeting in September
having just been posted and the anti-spam list(s) having been terribly quiet
since the Stockholm meeting, I thought that it was about time to start some
discussion so that we might have something done in time for the Edinburgh

The anti-spam working group charter is up on the RIPE web server
(http://www.ripe.net/wg/anti-spam/index.html).  Please read this document
and try and think how we can best tackle the two issues outlined there.
Something to think about on your summer vacations... ;-)

(RIPE Anti-Spam WG chair)

----- ___                       - James Aldridge, Senior Network Engineer,
---- /    /   /  ___  ____ _/_ -- EUnet Communications Services BV
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- Singel 540, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, NL
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_ ---- Tel: +31 20 530 5327; Fax: +31 20 622 4657
-                           ----- 24hr emergency number: +31 20 421 0865

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