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Filtering spam from dialup accounts

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Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 13:02:00 +0200
From: "Scott A. Marlin" scott@localhost
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Organization: Direction Technique InterNeXT
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Cc: support@localhost
Subject: Filtering spam from dialup accounts
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Good day,

We are having problems with a type of spamming technique. The culprit is
subscribing to phony POP accounts managed by one of our customers and is
spamming from his home. 

We are getting rather tired of this cat and mouse game and have narrowed
the origin down to a range of IP addresses.

Does anyone know of a way to filter out mail coming from a range of IP
addresses in our Border Gateway router (or in the customer's frontal

Otherwise, are there other ways to handle this ?

Thank you for your time.
- -- 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Scott A. Marlin                   |       "Les petits faisceaux
  Support Technique                 |     font les grandes lumihres."
| - Fulcanelli ------- End of Forwarded Message

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