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Re: FYI: Content-MD5(-Origin) hacks

At 1:48a -0800 04/02/98, Martin Hamilton wrote:

>The procmail thing is very much a simple knee-jerk reaction - in
>practice I think you'd probably want to have a threshold as well, e.g.
>N attempts to send the same message cause it to trigger an alarm.
>Before trying to do anything more sophisticated like this, I thought
>I'd try to get some feedback from people on the basic idea of using
>Content-MD5 by hacking up a quick proof-of-concept.
>Having said that, yes, I'm running it on my mail - and filtering out
>duplicate messages with the same contents is something I've wanted to
>have in my mail system for a long time.  Not sure whether I'm the
>exception or the norm in this respect, though!

Not that I'd ever call myself "normal", I think it'd be nice to have
dupes filtered out. In the case of mailing list replies, I'd prefer
to have the personal cc nixed. The only problem, though, is that the
user may notice the cc in the headers of the other message, and begin
to wonder if the duplicate message got lost due to some mail problem.
I think users would need the ability to switch such filtering on or
off on a per-user basis, the default being off. Great idea, though!

  Walter Ian Kaye boo@localhost        Menlo Park, CA
  Perl on Unix, AppleScript on MacOS, at the nation's first WWW server.

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