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Racist email from aol.com (980330.2)

>X-Sender: ncm@localhost
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Reply-To: cert@localhost
>Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 11:14:35 +0100
>Subject: Racist email from aol.com (980330.2)
>From: Neil Morris cert@localhost
>To: CERT-site-contacts@localhost, uk-security@localhost
>X-Unsub: To leave, send text 'leave uk-security' to mailbase@localhost
>Sender: uk-security-request@localhost
>Precedence: list
>Many of you will have seen or heard of an email containing racist "jokes"
>from AOL over the weekend. JANET-CERT received a number of reports from
>people who were deeply offended by this. A number of individuals have
>reported this to AOL and JANET-CERT also complained to AOL stressing the
>seriousness of this incident. We have received a reply from AOL who have
>said that action has been taken against the account used
>The recipient list appears to have been compiled by trawling mailing lists
>at Warwick.
>Neil Morris
>JANET-CERT          Tel: 01235 822340  -  Fax: 01235 822398
>UKERNA              cert@localhost
>Version: PGPfreeware 5.0 for non-commercial use <http://www.pgp.com>
>Charset: noconv

John Martin
TERENA, Singel 466-468, NL - 1017 AW Amsterdam
phone:  +31 20 530 4488 **
fax:    +31 20 530 4499 **

** Please note new telephone and fax numbers

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