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Re: Interesting spamming tool: a robot to grab e-mail addresses

Peter Valkenburg wrote:
> >     ...  All you need is your web browser and this program.
> > Our software utilizes the latest in search technology called
> > "spidering". By simply feeding the spider program a starting
> > website it will collect for hours. The spider will go from website
> > to targeted website providing you with thousands upon thousands of
> > fresh TARGETED email addresses.
> Hm, I suspect that this software does not care about robots.txt.
> I can't think of an easy way to stop this sort of free enterprise
> at the doorstep of a webserver..

Hm, I always wanted a page that infinitely recurses into Yet Another
layer that's auto-generated from a cgi-bin, with all different URLs,
containing heaps and heaps of fake false undeliverable Email addresses.
I guess this is the time :)
#! ##### Jan-Pieter Cornet ##### johnpc@localhost ##### perl
($@,$\,$~)=$!=~/(.)(.).(.)/; $_="$,$/$:"; $@localhost $~="$~$_";($_)=
\$$=~/\((.)/;$|=++$_;$_++;$|++;$~="$~ $@localhost:";`$~$/$\$*$, $|>&$_`

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