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Re: spam SW, EMS/RFMS

As Postmaster for the PITT.EDU mail domain, I've already run into many
sites whose anti-spam rules disallow MAIL FROM:<>.  Perhaps we could flog
them publicly :-)

Seriously, I don't think many sites realize that they're cutting off a
normal part of email delivery when they do this.


On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, Gunnar Lindberg wrote:
> >From: Ulf Vedenbrant uffe@localhost
> >Unfortunately you cannot block <> since there are a lot of mailing-
> >lists
> >that use tha as a "from"-address...
> >( except from other reasons.. )
> Sorry, I should have been more clear about that. Correct, you cannot
> ever deny "MAIL From:<>" into your local system, for the reason Ulf
> mentions.

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