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Re: Hi, How are you?

Looks like spam to me!


At 04:30 20/02/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi, my name is David Mauro and I am a representative of Intek Logistics
Inc.  Let me begin by saying we do not condone irresponsible bulk mailing
and there is no need to be asked to be removed from our list because this
is a one-time offer.  We will not mail you again.
>We have emailed you today to present you with a very special offer.   We are 

Dr Paul Rattray                           
Technical Services Manager, TALiSMAN, Tel: 0131-451 3279 Institute for Computer Based Learning, Fax: 0131-451 3283 Heriot-Watt University, http://www.talisman.hw.ac.uk Edinburgh, EH14 4AS Discussions at TALiSMAN-forum@localhost PGP public key available on request.

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