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<TITLE>Re: [address-policy-wg] 2008-06 New Policy Proposal (Use of final /8)</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>I also agree that the policy should include some statements regarding IPv6<BR>
In fact I think that existing LIRs have very well warned about the end of<BR>
the world^H^H^H^H^H IPv4 address space available so I think that the<BR>
proposal should be more in the lines of:<BR>
1. New LIRs: Get the minimum allocation IF they already have a IPv6<BR>
allocation OR the ask for an IPv6 allocation in the same request.<BR>
2. Existing LIR: Sorry boys, you had a lot of time to prepare for this.<BR>
3. OK. Agree with a secuirity pool.<BR>
Regards, Fernando<BR>
El 15/10/08 17:42, "michael.dillon@bt.com" <michael.dillon@bt.com> escribi�:<BR>
>> <A HREF="http://www.ripe.net/ripe/policies/proposals/2008-06.html">http://www.ripe.net/ripe/policies/proposals/2008-06.html</A><BR>
> I wonder why this policy doesn't require the LIRs to have an<BR>
> IPv6 allocation before they apply for one of the last few<BR>
> IPv4 blocks? Is there any good reason to give out one of<BR>
> the last IPv4 blocks to an LIR which has no intention of<BR>
> deploying IPv6?<BR>
> In other words, if the policy is intended to only provide<BR>
> enough IPv4 resources to ease the transition, shouldn't<BR>
> the policy also require that the LIR has taken the basic<BR>
> step of getting an IPv6 allocation?<BR>
> It would also be nice if the policy had a clearer statement<BR>
> about this being a quota or rationing system.<BR>
> --Michael Dillon<BR>
Fernando Garc�a Fern�ndez<BR>
D.G. Integraci�n de Redes y Sistemas<BR>
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Madrid - 28027<BR>
Tel. Fijo: 901900900 ext 40383<BR>
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E-mail: fernando.garcia@tecnocom.es<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.tecnocom.es">http://www.tecnocom.es</A><BR>
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