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[address-policy-wg] [ncc-services-wg] Resource Certification for non-RIPE NCC Members
- Previous message (by thread): [address-policy-wg] Resource Certification for non-RIPE NCC Members
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Wilfried Woeber
Woeber at
Wed Jun 12 11:05:51 CEST 2013
Peter Koch wrote: > On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 at 03:32:31PM +0200, Wilfried Woeber wrote: [...] > Therefore I formally object to 2013-04 being elevated into the next PDP phase. Fair enough, and I do see where you are coming from :-) But at least we started to discuss the mess around this rather wide and diverse topic. :-) I'll come back to Erik's reply separately, but *technically* I am not so much worried now about what the formal "wrapper" is, but rather to *eventually* get a hold of the architectural aspects of issuing certificates to the holders of *all* resources, irrespective of their "colour" - if at all. At least for me, it *does* make a difference, policy- and support-wise, if the implementation is "reasonable" or adds more grief. > -Peter Wilfried.
- Previous message (by thread): [address-policy-wg] Resource Certification for non-RIPE NCC Members
- Next message (by thread): [address-policy-wg] address-policy-wg Digest, Vol 22, Issue 2
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