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[address-policy-wg] Re: [ppml] Revising Centrally Assigned ULA draft
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Owen DeLong
owen at
Fri Jun 15 21:40:52 CEST 2007
On Jun 15, 2007, at 8:14 AM, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote: > If you doubt about folks stating anything, then you should read > *before* > minutes of meetings. I'm now off-line in a plane, so can't point > you to a > specific URL, but this has been said at least in one ARIN meeting. > > It has been clear across all this discussion in several exploders, > that > there are both opinions, people that want ULA-C and people that > don't. What > you need to be smart here is to realize that those than don't want > ULA-C > have no any objective reason to oppose to it, because implementing > ULA-C has > no negative impact in others. While opposing to it has negative > impact to > all: Folks will use global space (PA or PI) for doing the function > of ULA-C > an this is a waste, yes a small waste but a waste. > Jordi, You have this backwards. Using PI for the purposes of ULA-C is no waste at all. Sectioning off a huge chunk of address space for ULA-C is the waste. If it's all PI, then, it can seamlessly move between being unrouted or routed as the address-holder sees fit and as needs change. If it is set aside as ULA, then, the address space is forever wasted and cannot (theoretically) be used as routable space, no matter how little of it is needed for ULA-C. Those of us who oppose ULA-C have what we believe to be an objective position that it provides no additional benefit over PI space while simultaneously creating some unnecessary classification of addresses that makes their status in the routing table ill-defined at best. In our opinion, this carries the potential for significant consequences globally. Just because we do not agree with you does not mean that our concerns are not legitimate. Do I think UUNET and others should be able to get secondary microallocations to solve the problem they presented? Absolutely. Do I think that we need to set aside a /8, /12, /16, or whatever separate from the rest of PI space to do it? No. We should just issue them a /48 or whatever it is they need from the general pool of available PI space and be done with it. No waste at all. No negative consequences to anyone. No ambiguous status as to where you can or can't route the addresses, etc. Owen
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