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[address-policy-wg] Data Protection Task Force - Ref: RIPE53 DB-WG Draft Agenda V3. item C
- Previous message (by thread): [address-policy-wg] Data Protection Task Force - Ref: RIPE53 DB-WG Draft Agenda V3. item C
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Michael.Dillon at
Michael.Dillon at
Wed Oct 4 15:53:24 CEST 2006
> Please read up on the TF's mandate, the goals and logistics, and consider > stepping forward to *actively* contribute! Thank you. Has RIPE published a clear statement of purpose for the database? If not, then when will RIPE comply with Article 7 of the Personal Data Registration Act 2000? Artikel 7 Persoonsgegevens worden voor welbepaalde, uitdrukkelijk omschreven en gerechtvaardigde doeleinden verzameld In English: Personal data shall be collected for specific/particular, explicitly defined and justified/legitimate purposes. Do we have an explicitly defined purpose? Is it a legitimate and justified purpose? Personally, I don't believe that there is an explicitly defined purpose and I do believe that some of the purposes for which the database are not legitimate or justified. --Michael Dillon
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