[acm-tf] Review for Monday TF Meeting
Alessandro Vesely vesely at tana.it
Fri Oct 28 19:22:49 CEST 2011
On 28/Oct/11 12:12, Brian Nisbet wrote: > The only agenda for Monday remains the current version of the document. Firmly keeping that as the main task, in my previous post [*] I mentioned the possibility to engage the Anti-Abuse attendants in defining a questionnaire for surveying what people think about reporting abuse to ISPs. Besides abusix's logs, do we have any other sort of evidence that we're on the good track? [*] http://lists.ripe.net/pipermail/acm-tf/2011-October/000145.html (toward the end) > But we have time in the AA-WG agenda for an update, so it should all > flow nicely.
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