[acm-tf] Rationale for reporting abuse
Alessandro Vesely vesely at tana.it
Tue May 17 14:31:54 CEST 2011
Hi all, the rationale of a policy proposal, according to the RIPE Policy Proposal Template, consists of two lists of arguments, pros and cons. For example, Tobias' 2010-08 lists some arguments, apparently assuming that everybody else knows what abuse is going to be reported to whom and why. Is such assumption correct? AFAIK, Thunderbird and Outlook don't have a "Report-as-Spam" button, yet. The abuse-report flow that our policy aims to support is not yet clearly established. So, I propose that we put together some text that describes the abuse-reporting perspective in general. It will be much more straightforward to analyze the requirements of abuse contact management on that basis. The text itself can later be incorporated into the draft document. Shall we do it? I'd love to see some +/-1s about this...
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