[acm-tf] Determining a sanction is the primary issue
Alessandro Vesely vesely at tana.it
Tue May 3 07:24:40 CEST 2011
Hi all, after sleeping on it, it seems to me that determining a sanction is the most important item on our to-do list. When we'll have determined it, we will be able to state policies formed like If found guilty (for some sense of "guilty" that we will also determine) then sanction will be applied. An example of sanction is to encourage carriers to block packets originating from the guilty address range and destined to port 25; more in general, to a port associated with a "push" protocol (not port 587). Tobias pointed out that blocking a port may incur violation of connection supplies, as defined e.g. by German law. Thus this example of sanction is not possible unless we find out that most carriers would cooperate. An example of guiltiness is not having a responsive IRT (or whatever) and having outstanding abuse reports for some addresses in the relevant range. jm2c
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