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List of Talks
Opening plenary
Welcome note by Ivana Golub, CARNet
Welcome note by Paul Rendek, RIPE NCC
IPv4 exhaustion / IPv6 transition
Moderator: Nick Hyrka, RIPE NCC
- Distributing last IPv4 resources - Alex le Heux, RIPE NCC
- Internet Number Certification Plans, Elise Gerich, IANA
- RIPE NCC IPv6 policies and procedures, Alex le Heux, RIPE NCC
- "IPv6 RIPEness", Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC
Moderator: Joao Damas, ISC
- F-root in .me - Zeljko Draskovic
- IDN in Montenegro - Zeljko Draskovic
- Cyrillic script in DNS - Desiree Miloshevic
- Multistakholder activities related to Delegations of Domain Names, Elise Gerich, IANA
IPv6 Experiences
Moderator: Jan Zorz, Go6
- IPv6 deployment at CARNet, Sasa Macakanja, CARNet
- "The path from newbie to rock star", Martin J. Levy, Hurricane Electric
- Go6 Institute & mobile IPv6 deployment in Slovenia, Jan Zorz, Go6
- IPv6@HR, HAKOM, Velimir Švedek, Mario Weber, Vesna Brkan
- IPv6 deployment project at Telekom Slovenije, Simeon Lisec, Telekom Slovenije
- IPv6-capable CPEs, Rok Arzensk, Iskratel
- Mobile and IPv6 in Slovenia, Jan Zorz, Go6
IXP Updates
Moderator: Serge Radovcic, EURO-IX
- CIX Update, Mario Klobucar, Croatia,
- SIX Update, Matjaz Straus Istenič
- SOX Update, Zoran Perovic, Serbia
- KOS-IX Update, Agron Fazliu, Kosovo
- MatrIX Update, Sasho Dimitrijoski, Macedonia
- Starting an IXP: Lessons learnt, Emir Beganovic, Bosnia
- IXP Manager: a provisioning system for IXPs, Nick Hilliard, INEX, IE
Peering decisions panel
Moderator: Andreas Sturm, DE-CIX
- Andy Davidson, Hurricane Electric
- Christian Kaufmann, Akamai
- Elisa Jasinska, Limelight
- Paul Mandl, Google
Panel: Internet Governance in South-Eastern Europe
Moderator: Desiree Miloshevic
- Endri Hasa, National Agency of Information Society of Albania
- Urban Kunc, APEK, Slovenia
- Jasna Matic, Ministry of Telecommunications of Serbia
- Paul Rendek, RIPE NCC
- Davor Šoštarič, MVZT/DID, Slovenia
- Mario Weber, M.Sc., Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency
RIPE NCC Updates
Moderator: Mirjam Kuehne
- RIPE NCC membership update, Jochem De Ruig, RIPE NCC
- RIPE Labs update, Mirjam Kuehne, RIPE NCC
- Measurements Tools: RIPE Atlas, RIPEstat, Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC
Closing plenary
- Traffic analysis with netflow, Paolo Lucente,
- Designing the new Albanian NREN Infrastructure, Daniele Arena, CASPUR
- IRT & Trusted Introducer, Srdjan Vukovojac, CARNet
- Closing Address by Paul Rendek