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RIPE 89: Call for Presentations Open

news ripe community update

The RIPE Programme Committee (PC) is now seeking content proposals from the RIPE community for the plenary sessions, lightning talks and BoFs. RIPE 89 will be hybrid, so both in-person and virtual presentations will be accepted and encouraged.

The deadline to submit a presentation proposal is Friday, 23 August 2024. Proposals submitted after this date will only be considered if there are still time slots available.

More information about submitting a proposal is available on the RIPE 89 website.

The Programme Committee is looking for presentations covering the topics of network engineering and operations, including but not limited to:

  • IPv6 deployment
  • Managing IPv4 scarcity
  • Data centre technologies
  • Network and DNS operations
  • Internet governance and regulatory practices
  • Network and routing security
  • Content delivery
  • Internet peering and mobile data exchange
  • Connected Things (a.k.a. Internet of Things – IoT)
  • Sustainable technologies