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Action Points

Action: 17.1 Glenn Kowack
Volunteered to write a paper for discussion which would focus on a funding model for the RIPE NCC.

Action: 17.7 Wilfried Woeber, NCC
To produce the necessary documentation for the new DB software - ongoing

Action: 17.8 NCC
To update and re-circulate the RIPE-Handle proposal and then go ahead with the implementation - pending.

Action: 17.11 NCC
Investigate and propose a syntax-checking facility for the new db software. volunteer needed.

Action: 17.20 Oleg Tabarovsky
To collect data on external lines and restrictions applying to each line that will form part of the Russian back-bone.

Action: 18.3 Geert Jan de Groot
Investigate monthly publication of error files on reverse zone files, similar to hostcount error files

Action: 18.5 Wilfried Woeber
Post the CEEnet Initiative maps to the RIPE FTP server.

Action: 18.16 Everyone in the Mbone group
Send in your Mbone maps to Erik-Jan Bos

Action: 19.1 NCC
To survey RIPE community on content of RIPE NCC Quarterly Reports

Action: 19.2 Mike Norris
At the 20th meeting to raise the training of local IR's as a topic for discussion.

Action: 19.3 Daniel Karrenberg
To make an inventory document of the problems associated with charging for address space.

Action: 19.4 Daniel Karrenberg
To recirculate draft proposal on use of private address space for VSE's not connecting to the Internet. Circulate proposal to the WG mailing list.

Action: 19.5 RIPE NCC
To organise a meeting between regional registries, with representatives from the RIPE local - IR working group.

Action: 19.6 Geert Jan
To document new attribute "status" proposed to describe whether a network is delegated, reserved or assigned.

Action: 19.8 Daniel Karrenberg
To prepare specification for the format of the list of service providers.

Action: 19.9 Marten Terpstra
To set up environment to allow objects to be sent to "a test database"

Action: 19.10 Erik Jan Bos, Wilfried Woeber
Written proposal to extend the "inet-rtr" object ready before RIPE 20.

Action: 19.11 NCC
To propose new domain object for

Action: 19.12 Marten Terpstra
To write up the proposed "stored"/"proc essed" attribute.

Action: 19.13 Milan Sterba
Send e-mail to the prospective contributors to the CDS.

Action: 19.14 Erik-Jan Bos
Write short document describing how to use the rtr-obj to describe location of m-routers.

Action: 19.15 Erik-Jan Bos
Find out about other vendors' implementations of PIM.

Action: 19.16 Stephan Biesbroeck
To ask RIPE NCC to create a trouble ticket only mailing list which is maintained by the RIPE NCC